I went to the Tech Startup Expo this last week on Thurs Oct 1st. I actually thought that I would be observing more, watching all the booths do their demos. I thought maybe…I would run into someone I know, who is observing too. We would just observe together. Walk around and observe some more. This was completely different.
As soon as I got there, I was completely engaged in conversation – explaining to people what I do, and them explaining what they do. The booths ranged from resources that I could use to startups that I could possibly work with. Either I was coming up to the booth, or they were coming up to me. I made a wealth of connections with other observers as well. I take that back, there were no observers. I was so busy talking, I missed all the scheduled shows but one. Everyone was having a good time. It was very interesting to see the type of innovation that is coming out of Rochester and the type of resources available for startup companies.
I learned quite a bit and met a lot of interesting people. Overall, it was a great experience.