The Problem
D&L Groceries is a Caribbean grocery store that sells: Caribbean condiments, spices, common grocery items, and hot food. The owner has a lot on his plate as him and his wife do a lot of things on their own related to the business. They did not have the time and money to automatically promote the fact that they served dinners in the back of the store. Half the people that came in the store were unaware that they served dinners. He did not have an efficient way to let his customers know they sold hot food without making an effort to tell every patron that strolled in the store everything they had to offer. This was effecting their sales.
The Solution
ViewSignage installed a 22 inch tablet that displayed an interactive digital menu by the register, that not only made the patrons informed of the stores entrees, but made them hungry as well. they were able to see the exotic dinners that the store actually served in real time. This digital menu compelled them to ask questions about the enticing entrees they could see on the screen. It informed the patrons of the hot food they had in the store; during times they served breakfast and dinner automatically without the owner and his wife having to spend extra time promoting their delicious entrees. It served as their own automatic in-store salesman without them having to promote it themselves. Their sales of entrees immediately rose 30%.
In addition, they are able to generate revenue by selling local ads to help boost business of neighboring businesses and organizations.